46 & 2
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Wings for Marie
10,000 Days

Source: dpa4061s > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96(24 Bit Wav@48Khz)
Location: Section 111, Row B
Conversion: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CEP2.0(48->44.1 and dithering) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac[8]
Taper: geordy

Taper notes:
Notes: *Vicarious is incomplete by about 5 seconds, which is about how much time it takes the MT to start a new file.  At did exactly 
1:55:44.255 into the show a new file was started but it only consisted of 2 min of crowd noise as I left the venue so I didn't see any 
real need to tack it on.  Note to future MT tapers...if you do 24/48, you might want to manually create a new track during the extended 
break before WFM.

Had a guy twice my size to my right, between myself and the stage.  He stood up during the first couple songs, blocking my view of the stage/speakers.  Sound is a little muffled due to that.  From Schism on he sat down for most of the rest of the show, which sounds amazing since I had no other obstructions between myself and the speakers.  From Schism on particularly, this is one of those recordings that sounds better than the show actually did.  I know a lot of people have been waiting to hear a decent recording of Pushit, if I might brag a little, I'd say this one will make you happy.  Got a surprisingly good recording of WFM/10K Days as well.  One small dropout during both Jambi and least the recording isn't riddled with them this time.  

-To the drunk? jackass in Sec 111, Row C, Seat did the second half of the show sound from the parking lot?!
-To the gentleman in Sec 111, Row A, Seat 4....I hope you see this and burn a copy of it for your friend`in seat 3.  It's hard to take in a 
show like this with someone like you yapping to them the whole time.  Luckily, the music usually drowns you out on the recording :P