Litanie Contrae La Peur Fear Inoculum Sober The Pot Push it Pneuma The Grudge Eon Blue Apocalypse The Patient Descending Hooker With A Penis - Intermission (cut) Taper: Sevoflurane Equipment: Schoeps MK4s > babynbox > Sony PCM-A10 (24/48) Location: 300s Lineage: WAV > Audition (Normalize to -0.1db) Taper Notes: Did a small FL run of Tool shows and met up with GSP. Nice to see another fellow taper and travel together! We left after intermission, as I thought my attempt was terrible. From the seat I was in the sound was pretty bad. After arriving back to the hotel defeated. I hear to my surprise not a terrible tape and at that point I knew I should have just kept taping the show. Also, I should have taped from my original seat. Either way, it was a good day of checking out some breweries around town and talking shop with a friend!