Regular John Avon If Only Walkin' on the Sidewalks You Would Know How to Handle a Rope Mexicola Hispanic Impressions The Bronze Give the Mule What He Wants I Was a Teenage Hand Model You Can't Quit Me Baby Sky Is Falling Hangin' Tree Burn the Witch Make It Wit Chu Little Sister The Fun Machine Took a Shit and Died Do It Again Tangled Up in Plaid Go With the Flow Song for the Dead source: MBHO 603A / KA200N > Sound Devices MP-2 > Tascam DR-2d location: soundboard cage, slightly right of center, 2m stand mic conig: DIN (20cm, 90°) record format: 24bit/96.0kHz final format: 16bit/44.1kHz editing: WaveLab v6.1 (normalization, fades, resample, dither) tracking: CDWave v1.98