No One Knows The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret Paper Machete Smooth Sailing I'm Designer Emotion Sickness I Sat by the Ocean Carnavoyeur The Way You Used to Do Auto Pilot (Michael Shuman on lead vocals) Better Living Through Chemistry You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire Time & Place Make It Wit Chu Little Sister Negative Space Go With the Flow Song for the Dead Taper: BleedingMe Lineage: SP-CMC-8 (AT933) > SP-SPSB-11 > Roland R-07 (96/24) > Adobe Audition CS6 (iZotope Ozone 5 Mastering Plugin) , (iZotope RX 7 DeClicker - remove loud clapping) / Edit, Levels & EQ > TLH V2.8.3 [Build 182] FLAC Lvl 8 > TagScanner 6.1.16 (Tagging)