100° One Inch Man Tangy Zizzle Supa Scoopa and Mighty Scoop Hurricane Whitewater Fatso Forgotso Phase II (Flip the Phase) Asteroid Catamaran Spaceship Landing Gardenia Allen's Wrench Freedom Run Green Maschine Thee Ol' Boozeroony Fatso Forgotso Odyssey Soundboard/ Audience-matrix: SOURCE 1: Soundboard > Tascam DT-1 > DAT Tape SOURCE 2: Videocamera SONY 5000 V / PCM Sound Mixed / Synched via Audio Logic (Mac) Lineage: Powerbook G4 > flac > you PICTURE SOURCE: SOURCE 1: Videocamera HI 8 SONY 5000 V (position: Soundboard) SOURCE 2: Sony HI 8 cam (position: stage pit9 Mixed via an analog video mixer. Video codec: MPG 2 Frame Rate: 25 pic/s Bitrate: 5566 Screen: 4:3 PAL TAPER NOTES: The guitar in the soundboard source was a little too low, but the second source was good to balance the recording. Thanx a lot to Kyuss (incl. The incredibe Hutch), Pavemalk and myself :). Hope that you enjoy this great show. Never shared before. Guess you can call it a world premiere. There are some tiny little digi pops on the soundboard source, but nevertheless the recording is very, very good. Don`t ever sell this or you will burn in hell ! This is a recording from fans for fans ! Don`t convert to lossy formats ! Keep the quality ! Thanx to the band for giving us the permission to tape. Take Care Bobfather