Fast as a Shark
Restless and Wild
Love Child
Turn Me On
London Leatherboys
Princess of the Dawn
Hoffman Solo
Neon Nights
Losers and Winners
Son of a Bitch
Balls to the Wall
Head Over Heels
Flash Rockin' Man
Hoffman Solo
Midnight Highway

unknown --> Maxell UL 90 --> Yamaha KX-670 (Dolby Off, Play Trim +0) --> ESI U24 XL --> Adobe Audition 2020 (ASIO 2.0) --> WAV (44100 Hz, 2 Channels, 32-bit) --> Amplitude +9 db --> Splitting Tracks (Audacity WAV) --> FLAC (Level 8, 44100 Hz, 2 Channels, 16-bit)