Intro Breadfan Master of Puppets Of Wolf and Man > Black Sabbath teaser The Thing that Should not Be Kirk's solo Fuel The Memory Remains Bleeding Me Jason's Solo w/ Play that Funky Music > The Law teasers > Where the Wild Things Are jam Nothing Else Matters Until it Sleeps King Nothing Wherever I May Roam One Fight Fire with Fire Low Man's Lyric (acoustic) The Four Horsemen (acoustic) > Stairway to Heaven teaser Last Caress (acoustic) > Fixxxer jam Sad but True Enter Sandman > Whiskey in the Jar jam Creeping Death VIDEO QUALITY: Pretty much shit video, it's only improved because it has been paired with decent audio. Back in '98 the CBL guys were selling stuff left and right, and they filmed this and then sold it for $25-$30. It's a side angle of the screen, with obstructions here and there. I waited a long time to get this just because I was so annoyed that these guys were selling this piece of hot garbage for money. Anyway, enough of my ranting. AUTHOR: Skymaster SOURCE: 2nd gen > DVD AUDIO QUALITY: Great quality! Very little crowd noise. There's a low roar from the crowd, which just adds to the recording. You only really hear the roar in between songs. When they are playing, the music fills the recording, very up front. Guitars, bass, drums, James' vocals all nicely mixed. Just one of those amazing recordings that occurs only about 2 or 3 times a tour. I have this show on video, but it was a poorly shot video and a chore to watch. This recording is just a great capture of Metallica live. Highly recommend if you are looking for a 1998 quality sounding show. The opening of Thing is especially heavy it! This has my vote for top 5 Metallica audience recording of all time. SOURCE: Schoeps MK4’s > Rmod > Sony TCD-D7 SEAT LOCATION: SEC 102, Row P TRANSFER:DAT Master 16/48 > FLAC Transfer (BLG): DA-20 > coax > Marantz PMD-670 > usb reader > Adobe Audition > iZotope Ozone 5 > WavePad > xACT > FLAC TAPER: a ‘teddy ballgame’ DAT Master TIME: 130 minutes CORRECT SHOW: Yes, Jason says it's good to be home. James also says "Sing it Shoreline" FLAWS: Two or three small skips/stutters in Creeping Death. Otherwise flawless. BAND PERFORMANCE: Band performance is good, but towards the end of this tour they seemed to be going through the motions. No setlist changes. This show happened shortly after a month break. Not sure if the guy's heads were still back with their families. By all rights it was a probably a great show, and I'm sure the fans enjoyed it. I heard from more than a couple people within the circle of Metallica that Lars' was bored by this time, and Jason was very unhappy. Beginning of the end for Jason maybe? No major problems with the performance side of this show, but James does stumble through the beginning verse of Breadfan. Pretty funny to think that after how many times you sing a song, you still can forget the lyrics. This tour is not one of my favorites for the sole reason that the setlist starts off strong, but when it hits the NEM, Sleeps, King, Roam section the show drags. I did like the acoustic set, probably one of the few who did in the end. It's obvious by this time that the acoustic set was not popular. James makes several comments before that part of the set that almost seem like he's preparing the crowd for low expecations. Funny Stairway to Heaven moment right before Last Caress. On the opposite end, Fight Fire with Fire is great anytime you get to hear it live, and a highlight from the set on this tour. The guitar interlude right before Sad But True is really cool as well. Days of the New and Jerry Cantrell were also on this bill.![]()