Creeping Death Seek and Destroy > Frayed Ends of Sanity outro Battery For Whom the Bell Tolls Fuel One Blackened DVD QUALITY: Professional shot for the first four songs, then the last three are from MetonTour. SOURCE: Larryrulz / I-vanm TRANSFER: HD cable > TiVo box > PC via elgato game capture HD > VideoReDo > .ts file > Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 > DVD-lab PRO 2 > DVD TIME: 55 minutes CORRECT SHOW: Yes, Knebworth is said a few times. FLAWS: Heavily cut, and songs broadcasted are out of order. BAND PERFORMANCE: Seems like it was a good performance, will have to check out the fill live metallica version however. It is pretty funny to watch the show start with it being night, and then when they cut to Battery and Bells it's suddenly daylight.![]()