Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (cut) One (cut) Master of Puppets (cut) Blackened (cut) Nothing Else Matters (cut) > Am I Evil? jam (Lars on guitar, Kirk on drums) Seek and Destroy > The Frayed Ends of Sanity outro VIDEO QUALITY: It's distant but still very watchable. It's mostly steady and above the heads so that's really nice. Unfortunately, there aren't really any close-ups to be had. So the pictures below are exactly what you get. As with all videos from Papahet, this has a very good chance of being sourced from youtube. VERSION: KimLucina / PapaHet SOURCE: Youtube(?) Master(?) > DVD CORRECT SHOW: Yes, scanning the scene in Comicon tonight FLAWS: missing the majority of the show. BAND PERFORMANCE: Metallica crashes Comicon and does a nice set. Can't be more than 1000-1500 people in the crowd. Lars and Kirk switch instruments on an impromtu jam of Am I Evil? Funny when Lars holds Kirk's guitar over the crowd, James says "It's Chicago all over again" - reference to the Chicago '83 show where Kirk loses his guitar in the crowd.