Intro Battery Master of Puppets For Whom the Bell Tolls Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Thing That Should Not Be Seek and Destroy Creeping Death Fade to Black Damage, Inc. AUDIO QUALLITY: Nice sounding show. From the collection of koondog a/k/a RushFan Transferred & mastered by }{eywood Lineage: Maxell XLII 60 cassette (2) > JVC TD-W354 playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (recording to .wav @ 24/96, EQ, hiss reduction, normalization, splits & fades) > Xrecode II (flac 8) TIME: 55 minutes CORRECT SHOW: I guess so. Never says the city name, but it's about the only show in circulation from 1986 where James doesn't same the city name. The set reflects the late July/August Ozzy shows with Thing and Fade. FLAWS: none. BAND PERFORMANCE: Another great show. I love Thing, wish they would play that more.