Intro Hit the Lights The Four Horsemen Phantom Lord No Remorse Ride the Lightning Motorbreath Call of Ktulu Seek and Destroy Cliff's solo Whiplash Creeping Death Kirk's solo Metal Militia > Metal Up Your Ass chant AUDIO QUALITY: Muffled and distorted...die hards only for sure on this one. SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > USB SoundBlaster HD > Goldwave > CDWAVE > WAV (transferred by me) TIME: 75 minutes CORRECT SHOW: Yes, Holland is said. Also different than the other two holland shows on this tour. FLAWS: none BAND PERFORMANCE: First show on a small tour opening for Twisted Sister. James mentions the new album is coming out in a few months, so this makes it different than the Holland shows of Feb. Creeping Death is coming along just fine as is Ktulu. Jump in the fire is dropped from the set, except it does show up as an encore during later shows.