(cut) Master of Puppets For Whom the Bell Tolls Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Thing That Should Not Be Cliff's solo Damage, Inc. > Power outage Seek and Destroy Creeping Death Am I Evil Whiplash The Four Horsemen Motorbreath AUDIO QUALLITY: Soundboard, though my copy has some generation to it. Would take an upgrade if you have it on CD. SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > Creative Soundblaster Audigy Platinum > Goldwave > FLAC TIME: 80 minutes CORRECT SHOW: Yes Davenport is said FLAWS: none. BAND PERFORMANCE: Great show, crowd was into it. Two encores, which James says this is only the second show where they got called out for two encores. I wonder what the first one was? They lose power towards the end of Damage Inc. which leads to some joking around with the crowd.