Intro (cut)
Master of Puppets
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Ride the Lightning
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Seek and Destroy
Creeping Death
> London Dungeon jam
Am I Evil?
Damage, Inc.

AUDIO QUALLITY: Really a rough recording. Overdriven, distorted, distant, and lots of crowd around
the taper.  Die hards to say the least.  

SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder
TRANSFER: unknown gen cassette > Creative Soundblaster Audigy Platinum > Goldwave > FLAC
TIME: 55 minutes

CORRECT SHOW: Yes, Indy is said several times.

FLAWS: none.

BAND PERFORMANCE: I'm sure it was great, the crowd seems into it. The recording really impacts the
listenability of the show.