Intro Blackened Fuel Ride the Lightning Kirk's solo #1 Welcome Home (Sanitarium) The Thing That Should Not Be Frantic Harvester of Sorrow Dirty Window Sad but True Creeping Death Damage, Inc. St. Anger Melbourne Nothing Else Matters Master of Puppets One Enter Sandman > The Frayed Ends of Sanity jam Die, Die My Darling Whiplash AUDIO QUALITY: Same taper as night 1 in LA, but this isn't quite as good. The old adage "location, location, location" comes to mind. This sounds typical to what the other audience recordings sound like - distant with louder crowds. A little lacking on the high end, so it seems a little muffled, but still a nice listen. SOURCE: Sound Professionals AT853 (Cardoid Element) > Sound Professionals Mini Battery Box w/Bass Roll Off @ 107Hz > Sharp MD-SR60 MiniDisc > 2 Sony 80 Min Shock Absorbing MiniDisc's Taped By: Transfer: Master MD's > Yamaha MDX-783 MiniDisc Optical Out > Sound Blaster Audigy MP3+ Optical In > Sound Forge 7 > ME Compressor > CDWav > FLAC Frontend TIME: 120 minutes CORRECT SHOW: Yes, LA is said many times. FLAWS: none BAND PERFORMANCE: Another nice performance, the setlists are looking better and better as this tour goes on. You can tell what songs they've played a lot like Sad and Harvester, and songs that they haven't played a lot like Ride and Dirty Window. Slighly rougher playing on the the latter. But really is anyone paying attention? This tour is shaping up to be a traders dream! Can't wait to listen to the upcoming shows.