> Fixxxer jam
Last Caress
Creeping Death
Sad but True
Ain't My Bitch
Hero of the Day
Bleeding Me
King Nothing
The Shortest Straw
Jason's solo
 My Friend of Misery/ Welcome Home (Sanitarium) interlude
Nothing Else Matters
Until It Sleeps
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Wherever I May Roam
Fade to Black
Ride the Lightning / No Remorse / Hit the Lights
The Four Horsemen / Seek and Destroy / Fight Fire With Fire
> The Wait > The Small Hours
 > Killing Time jams
So What?
Master of Puppets
Enter Sandman
> Cure > Highway to Hell > Cure
  >  The Memory Remains jam

DVD QUALITY: Really nice multicam - very steady throughout, and a good mix
of the cameras catching the action.

VERSION: metallifreak27
TIME: 130 minutes

CORRECT SHOW: Yes, Chicago is said. Third night setlist.

FLAWS: none

BAND PERFORMANCE: Third night in Chicago, and they get a few surprises.
A early jam of Fixxxer - which is kind of cool as it's more of the guitar
riff than we hear for the fixxxer jam on the '98 tour.  Shortest Straw shows
up, as well as the debut of Fuel. These are the original lyrics. Great 3 night
set in Chicago - highly recommend all of them.  I think the jam at the end
is a slowed down Memory Remains - I could be wrong though.