Last Caress
King Nothing
Devil's Dance
Wasting My Hate
Hero of the Day

AUDIO QUALITY: Radio broadcast, excellent quality.

SOURCE: unknown mics > unknown recorder
TRANSFER: 1st gen cassette > Adobe Audigy Platnium > Goldwave > CDWAVE > WAV (transferred by Jeff S)
TIME: 45 minutes

CORRECT SHOW: Yes, definitely a bar vibe to this show.  

FLAWS: none.

BAND PERFORMANCE: They did the "Coffee Break Concert" on WMMS 100.7 in Cleveland.
I assume this took place sometime in the afternoon, as they still had the show
at the Gund arena that evening.  At any rate, I remember being pretty excited
to get this show because it was the first show I got in where Hero of the Day
was played live.  Great show, pretty much in your face 45 minute set.