Helpless The Four Horsemen Of Wolf and Man The Thing That Should Not Be Fuel The Memory Remains King Nothing Bleeding Me No Remorse Am I Evil? Stone Cold Crazy The Wait Master of Puppets > Tuesday's Gone > One jam Damage, Inc. DVD QUALITY: 2cam mix, for the most part both cameras are good, one is closer on Kirk's side, the other is further straight back. Despite being in a parking lot, the obstructions are not bad at all. Matched with the soundboard that the Metclub released a few years ago. SOURCE: BloodofLightning TRANSFER: Master > 1DVD TIME: 90 minutes BLURAY QUALITY: Another source from Steve Terrey master, and to be honest unwatchable. Very shakey and difficult to watch. VERSION: Terrey/Leomet-2000/metfan91 SOURCE: Master > BLURAY CORRECT SHOW: Yes. FLAWS: none BAND PERFORMANCE: Great show, I remember the club announced a "contest" to call in and say where you'd like to see Metallica play. I assume they had this location planned all along, but it still generated a lot of discussion and activity around the release of Reload. Great show, some awesome songs by 97 standards - Thing, The Wait, Damange Inc. plus the new Memory and Fuel. Great show all around.